For each of the above fields of activities, CADS can Provide a complete range of consulting services,
which includes:
Project Formulation and Appraisal
- Reconnaissance survey
- Preliminary studies
- Identification of problem and assessment of development potential
- Formulation of development concepts and strategies
- Project appraisal, benefit monitoring, and evaluation
- Implementation of programming and resource mobilization
- Project financing, investment, operation
Field Investigation
- Topographic survey
- Geological and hydro-geological survey
- Metrological and hydrological investigation
- Mining investigation
- Agricultural and agronomic survey
- Reputation and traffic survey
- Pedological, soil survey, and laboratory testing
- Land use and land classification survey
- Aerial photo interpretation and mapping
- Plane-table survey and mapping
- Tachometry and topo-maps
- Resource Mapping and Allocation maps
Study and Planning
- Master plan preparation
- Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies
- Resource mobilization and inventory studies
- Economic analysis
- Operation research and system analysis
- Financial management
- Environmental impact assessment
- Water management and hydrometric studies
- Project benefit, monitoring & evaluation
Detailed Engineering and Design
- Detailed field investigation and study
- Material lab tests
- Model tests
- Detailed engineering design and drawing preparation
- Technical specification
- Quantity and cost estimating
- Construction planning
- Procurement
- Preparation of prequalification documents
- Preparation of procurement documents
- Procurement scheduling