Non-distructive tests are :

  • Concrete Test Hammers.
  • Crack Monitors.
  • Concrete Maturity Testing.
  • Rebar Locators and Cover Meters.
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
  • Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Testers.
  • Pull-Off Adhesion Tester.
  • Corrosion Measurement.

With so many different techniques, each having its own characteristics, some of them might be perfectly suitable for certain applications but utterly ineffective in other cases. For example, some methods are limited to surface examination while others allow a complete volumetric inspection. The different types of non-destructive testing are often complementary. As a result, we can exploit the advantages of combined techniques. Consequently, choosing the appropriate method is a very important step for optimizing the performance of an NDT inspection, it is thus essential to be well-advised when preparing the inspection plan.

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